Evaluating SASE Solutions? Here’s what to watch for…
Not all SASE tools are created equal
Countless vendors offer SASE technology. Yet application performance, access, and security vary widely between solutions. This brief offers Fortinet’s viewpoint on:
Why to use SASE
SASE evaluation criteria
Important SASE use cases
To learn more, contact us today!
Choosing a SASE tool: What you need to know
What to consider in your evaluation
Need a secure access service edge (SASE) solution to secure your organization’s work-from-anywhere (WFA) environment? This eBook can help you evaluate vendor offerings, covering topics such as:
Why SASE matters
Attributes of a good SASE tool
How to evaluate SASE capabilities
To learn more, contact us today!
The Security at Scale that Your Enterprise Demands
How to assess any SASE solution
The functionality and performance of an SASE solution’s security elements need to be strong. Ask these questions before choosing one:
Can its Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) support both stateful and proxy protocols?
Does it support SSL inspection at application speeds?
Does it provide a full suite of tested and validated solutions?
To learn more, contact us today!
Protect the User Experience and Satisfy Security Requirements
Discover how to secure access for all users
Secure access service edge (SASE) architecture extends secure access and high-performance connectivity to users no matter where they are. Organizations choose FortiSASE cloud-delivered security because it is: